User Commands: Difference between revisions

From Auranogi
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| style="border-bottom:2px solid #e5f1ff;" |Displays information about a given command.
| style="border-bottom:2px solid #e5f1ff;" |Displays information about a given command.
| style="background-color:#e1f5ff; color:#1195db; border-bottom:2px solid #e1f5ff; border-right:2px solid white;"|'''>readycheck'''
| style="background-color:#e1f5ff; border-bottom:2px solid #e5f1ff;"|Initiates a ready check to the party.

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Latest revision as of 22:18, 9 January 2025

User Commands
-- These are several commands available for users, using the > Prefix: --
Command Description
>who Shows all users currently online on your current channel.
>cp Shows your current Combat Power (cp) value.
>where Shows the region, coordinates, and rotation of your current location. Also displays the seed the dungeon used to generate it. Which can be used to help with bug reports related to dungeon generation issues (Ex: issues with the boss door)
>lasttown Returns you to the last town you visited.
>distance Calculates distance between two positions.
>equipset {0} Switches to the extra equipment slot specified (1 - 8, if unlocked)
>partysize {0} Changes the size of the party (1 - 8)
>unstuck Sends a request to unstuck after 10 seconds.
All usages of this command are logged.
>lagcomp Toggles latency compensation on and off, reducing skill load times as well as stun time caused by skills (i.e. act faster after using a skill) based on a calculated latency.
>readycheck / >rcheck Initiates a ready check for the party or squad. Must be leader to use it.
>rebirthtimer / >rtimer Displays time of rebirth and time until rebirth becomes available. To display user's last rebirth in their timezone, add a UTC offset argument:
(e.g. >rtimer -4, >rtimer 6:30)
>searchitem {item name} Searches for items in inventory, bags, pets, and bank, highlighting any matching results. This command also searches for enchants by their name.
(e.g. >sitem base potion / >searchitem base potion)
>searchitem {item name} /searchall Searches for items on your entire account.
(e.g. >sitem base potion /searchall)
>help Displays all usable commands.
>help {0} Displays information about a given command.