User Commands

From Auranogi
Revision as of 20:49, 17 August 2024 by Garmik (talk | contribs)
User Commands
-- These are several commands available for users, using the > Prefix: --
Command Description
>who Shows all users currently online on your current channel.
>cp Shows your current Combat Power (cp) value.
>where Shows the region, coordinates, and rotation of your current location.
>lasttown Returns you to the last town you visited.
>distance Calculates distance between two positions.
>equipset {0} Switches to the extra equipment slot specified (1 - 8, if unlocked)
>partysize {0} Changes the size of the party (1 - 8)
>unstuck Sends a request to unstuck after 10 seconds.
All usages of this command are logged.
>lagcomp Toggles latency compensation on and off, reducing skill load times as well as stun time caused by skills (i.e. act faster after using a skill) based on a calculated latency.
>readycheck / >rcheck Initiates a ready check for the party or squad. Must be leader to use it.
>rebirthtimer / >rtimer Displays time of rebirth and time until rebirth becomes available. To display user's last rebirth in their timezone, add a UTC offset argument:
(e.g. >rtimer -4, >rtimer 6:30)
>searchitem {item name} Searches for items in inventory, bags, pets, and bank, highlighting any matching results. This command also searches for enchants by their name.
(e.g. >sitem base potion / >searchitem base potion)
>searchitem {item name} /searchall Searches for items on your entire account.
(e.g. >sitem base potion /searchall)
>help Displays all usable commands.
>help {0} Displays information about a given command.
