Rano Field Boss Treasure Chest
"A special chest obtained from hunting field bosses. Open it up for many unique and rare rewards!”
When a field boss in Rano is defeated, it has a chance of dropping a Field Boss Treasure Chest at the feet of anyone who contributed to the fight by hitting it at least once, with a guaranteed drop if it is the last field boss of the group. When opened, it will give an item.
Reward List[edit]
Keep in mind that this list is still being updated.
Note: Rewards are weighted based on gender. Male Milletians will get male clothing items and female Milletians will get female clothing items.
Robes & Wings
Gesture Cards
Homestead Items
- Aquamarine
- Garnet
- Regular Gem Powder
- Ruby (6.00 cm)
- Spinel (6.00cm)
- Star Sapphire
- Topaz