Advent Calendar Event

From Auranogi
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Event Dates: November 30, 11:00PM - December 31, 11:00pm PST Annually

Each real-life day players may talk to Cocoette in front of the unicorn statue in Dunbarton to receive a free gift.

Advent Calendar

Would you visit me in Dunbarton? I have something for you. -Cocoette-


20,000 EXP

[Daily] Advent Calendar Gift
  • Talk to Cocoette and select "Advent Calendar".

Holiday Bonus Token x 5
Cocoette's Advent Calendar Gift**

* [Daily] Advent Calendar Gift' is not an actual quest you get. This just describes what you need to do to receive the gift.
** Cocoette's Daily Gift is just the Holiday Gift Box rewards you get from normal Holiday Math.
This can only be done once per account per day.