Tailor's Tale

From Auranogi
Revision as of 21:32, 24 May 2023 by Foxkeh (talk | contribs)
I am in a real pinch here. Do you think you could come to my Boutique and hear me out? I need your help as soon as possible. -Simon


A series of quests will be delivered to you via owl once you achieve rank A in both Tailoring & Weaving.


NPCs involved in the Fabric Shortage Questline

In order of appearance;

Fabric Shortage

  • Speak with Simon
  • Gather 50 Wool
  • Bring Simon 50 Wool

Garden of Roses

"...one day, she told me about a beautiful flower - a rose - and how it was special. It wasn't a normal rose, it was a blue rose."
Speak with Ailionoa with a blue rose item in your inventory. Any blue rose item from Del or Delen will work.

Manus' Marvelous Marbles

  • Speak with Manus
  • Bring 1 Small Green Gem, 1 Small Blue Gem, 1 Small Red Gem, and 1 Small Silver Gem to Manus
  • Get the gem powder from Stewart
  • Ask Eavan about Stewart's lost gem
  • Ask Stewart about the gem
  • Describe the gem to Eavan
  • Fix Eavan's suit
  • Deliver the fixed suit to Eavan
  • Bring the gem to Stewart
  • Speak with Manus about sleep medicine for Stewart
  • Speak with Dilys about sleep medicine for Stewart
  • Craft 5 Common Fabric
  • Deliver 5 Common Fabric to Dilys
  • Deliver the sleep medicine to Stewart
  • Deliver the gem powder to Manus
  • Deliver Manus' Marvelous Marbles to Ai

Simon's Sorrow

Emergency Call

Grieving Over Goblins

  • Speak with Mai
  • Speak with Ai
  • Kill 100 goblins
  • Tell Ai about your goblin massacre

Dangerous Mines

  • Craft 10 Common Fabric
  • Bring Comgan 10 Common Fabric
  • Ask Edern about the mining expedition
  • Gather 50 Iron Ore
  • Deliver 50 Iron Ore to Edern
  • Speak with Elen

Two Friends Reunited

  • Speak with Simon
  • Bring Ailionoa 1 Finest Silk, 1 Finest Fabric, and 1 Finest Leather

Simon's Sorrow...?

  • Speak with Simon
  • Ask a blacksmith to repair Simon's shears
Speak with Edern.
  • Bring Simon his repaired shears

Request For A Tailor

Simon's Gift

Stewart's Gift