- For other difficulties of this dungeon, see Ciar Dungeon.
- For other dungeons, see Dungeons.
General Information[edit]
Dungeon Information
Drop Item
Floor Number
Visible Floors
Treasure Rooms
Hallway Chests
Party Count
1 ~ 8
Herb Patches
Ore Veins
The spawns can either be either all 3 waves, or the last wave. Last waves are bolded.
Normal Monsters
Great Mimic / Bat / Brown Snake / Blue Snake / White Snake / Sickle Laghodessa / Spike Laghodessa / Rat Man
Boss Room Monsters
Metal Skeleton (Light Armor) / Golem (Dark Green)
Trapped Chest
Floor 1
Brown Snake x2 + Blue Snake x2 + White Snake x1
Brown Snake x2 → Blue Snake x6 → Sickle Laghodessa x6
Sickle Laghodessa x3 → Sickle Laghodessa x6 → Rat Man x6
Sickle Laghodessa x8
White Snake x6
Floor 2
Brown Snake x2 → White Snake x6 → Sickle Laghodessa x7
Blue Snake x2 + Brown Snake x2 + White Snake x1
Brown Snake x7 → White Snake x1 + Brown Snake x2 + Blue Snake x2 → Sickle Laghodessa x6
Floor 3
White Snake x8
Spike Laghodessa x3 → Bat x6 → Blue Snake x8
Blue Snake x2 + Brown Snake x2 + White Snake x1
Brown Snake x2 → Bat x6 → Spike Laghodessa x3 + Sickle Laghodessa x5
Brown Snake x2 → White Snake x6 → Spike Laghodessa x3 + Sickle Laghodessa x5
Floor 3 - Boss Room
Metal Skeleton x6 + Golem (Dark Green)
Floor Treasure Chamber Spawns
Sickle Laghodessa x3
White Snake x5
White Snake x1 + Brown Snake x2 + Blue Snake x2
Orb Rooms
Rat Man x5
Rat Man x6
Sickle Laghodessa x5
Sickle Laghodessa x7
Rat Man x4
Sickle Laghodessa x5
Mimic Pits
Great Mimic x7
Blue Snake x5 + Great Mimic x3
Pre-Spawned Monsters
Rat Man x4
White Snake x1 + Brown Snake x2 + Blue Snake x2
Spike Laghodessa x3 + Sickle Laghodessa x5
White Snake x6
Spike Laghodessa x6
Boss Chest[edit]