Generation 1

From Auranogi
For other generation guides, see Generation Guides.
For other guides, see Guides.

Long ago, there were some people who actually went to Tir Na Nog

to rescue the black-winged Goddess and bring Tir Na Nog to this world...


Generation 1: Advent of the Goddess[edit]

The following guide is accurate for the version of G1 that Auranogi uses.
Note that minimum party requirements for RP dungeons have been removed.
Please ensure your pet is desummoned before attempting to enter, otherwise it will deny you entry.
The Samhain (Saturday) requirement for entering Tir Na Nog has been removed.
Generation 1 quests are available to all races and are not skippable.

You must be level 5 or higher to begin G1.

Finding the Lost Earring (Quest)[edit]

Finding the Lost Earring

You will find the road to Sidhe Sneachta on the way to Alby Dungeon, north of town. An earring was lost while making a snowman. Can you look for it? -Duncan

  • Find the Lost Earring

900 EXP
350 G

Additional Information

Beyond Alby Dungeon, upon entering Sidhe Sneachta, you will notice a field of snowmen. The one you need to hit is marked with a bright light. (If you have a summoned pet, make sure to de-summon it, as the earring will not be able to be picked up if dropped by your pet. The earring will drop as many times as you hit the snowman. Once found, return the earring to Duncan.

Story Context

Duncan talks about the earring, saying it is his and that the snowmen mark the passing of an important druid--- one who had vanished. He then proceeds to tell you that the druid is said to have become a bear and possibly resides past the gate in Sidhe Sneacta. Duncan further explains that it is said that the bear loves Mana Herbs. This is his hint that you should take Mana Herbs with you on your journey to find the druid.

You must be level 10 or higher.

The Three Missing Warriors[edit]

The Three Missing Warriors

Following Duncan's insight, offer Mana Herbs to the bear found in the deepest parts of Sidhe Sneacta.

  • Gift the Bear Mana Herbs (~2 - 5)
  • Upon receiving the "Tarlach" keyword, ask Duncan about it in conversation.
  • Talk to Stewart with the "3 Missing Warriors" Keyword.

Tarlach's Locket

Additional Information

Mana herbs can be found as a reward at the end of Alby Dungeon. Once you have a few Mana Herbs, drag and drop one herb onto the bear to gift it. Do this multiple times until you receive the "Tarlach" keyword. (The bear will only be there during daytime hours between 6am to 5:59pm in-game.)

Story Context

Gifting the Bear Mana Herbs, the Bear will write out with its claws the word "Tarlach". Asking Duncan about this name reveals that Tarlach is the name of one of the three missing warriors. He goes on, stating that the three warriors went to Tir Na Nog to rescue the black-winged Goddess to bring paradise to the world, only to never return. With Duncan questioning whether the bear could truly be Tarlach, he asks you to speak with Stewart, who he says knows more about the legend than he does.

The Third Warrior[edit]

The Third Warrior

Drop Tarlach's Locket onto Alby Dungeon's altar to enter Tarlach's past memories. (Optional) Use the Red Wing of the Goddess given to you to teleport directly to Alby Dungeon.


"Goddess Morrighan" keyword

Additional Information

The player with Tarlach's Locket must be the leader of the party. The leader of the party will play Ruairi (if solo), or Tarlach (with others.) Remaining party members will play as either Mari or Ruairi. The dungeon will be slightly longer than normal Alby Dungeon.

Story Context

Upon speaking to Stewart, he makes mention that the legend lacked any tangible writing on the subject and has been concluded to have become just a mere rumor. Though he believes in the legend, he has his conflictions. He offers you a locket, which he reveals to be a memento that once belonged to Tarlach. Stewart speculates that the image within the locket is Tarlach and his older sister. Memorial items such as this one, he mentions, are items that allow you to experience the life of the people who used to own them. Tarlach's desires and memories lie in this locket, and may provide some insight into what happened to him.

Story Context from RP Dungeon
In Tarlach's memory, we are introduced to three adventurers: Ruairi, Mari and Tarlach. We soon learn that the three of them are in Alby Dungeon for a training lesson that Mari took on as a pupil of Ranald. Ruairi, upon entering Alby, questions the ethics of Ranald's assignment due to the danger involved with going in a dungeon, but Mari snaps back, showing she really looks up to Ranald. Ruairi scoffs and assumes she took on the assignment because she likes her teacher, but Tarlach interjects saying it is possible that Ranald wants more students to be become stronger to support each other, including his female students. Mari reassures Ruairi, telling him that everyone in Tir Chonaill can take care of themselves anyways, with Ruairi fully in agreement, saying Mari was a great example of that.
After venturing halfway through the dungeon, they decide to take rest around a campfire, talking about the spiders they've been encountering, with Mari hinting that there is one deep inside the dungeon that is much bigger in size than the ones they've encountered thus far. Tarlach makes a troubling observation though. He notices that lately there has been a rise in wild animals, which he feels is quite concerning. He mentions it wasn't always the case in Tir Chonaill, as it is revealed that it was moreso a quiet countryside (without wolves, spiders, etc.) Mari herself thinks otherwise, saying that the wild animals always were around, making Ruairi start to believe that she isn't from Tir Chonaill like she claims. She retorts, saying she indeed is from Tir Chonaill, but just doesn't remember a whole lot. This is something Ruairi and Tarlach know--- Mari has lost her memory. Tarlach comforts her, saying that he believes her memory loss is due to druidic magic; however, he feels that the enchantment itself is benign. Tarlach then shares a glimpse in his troubled past, revealing the loss of his sister to the Fomors. Tir Na Nog is his main focus, believing that that there will provide any answers he seeks, with Ruairi adding in that he will help in any way he can to help defeat the Fomors by his side.
Upon defeating the Giant Spider boss, Tarlach shows even more concern, stating that the influx of monsters like the one they just defeated is the Fomors' doing. Ruairi adds, wondering if it is in any way related with the Goddess, which he reveals to the others has come to him in a dream telling of troubling news and events (the same cutscene we encountered at the start of G1.) Mari questions this, thinking it as just a minor, romantic dream, but Tarlach insists that Ruairi continue providing more details of his dream. Ruairi continues, stating that a Goddess with black wings appeared in front of him, warning that the world may be in great danger. Tarlach catches on, saying he knows of this Goddess in Tir Na Nog, whose power was used to create Dungeons in order to protect Erinn from the creatures of the Fomor World. He becomes worried, thinking that the increase in Fomors lately might be a big indicator that something is wrong with the Goddess. This kickstarts their quest for Tir Na Nog.

The Goddess Who Turned Into Stone[edit]

The Goddess Who Turned into Stone

With the knowledge obtained through Tarlach's memory, you wonder if Duncan may know something about this Goddess.

  • (Optional)Talk to Duncan with the "Goddess Morrighan" keyword.
  • Talk to Meven with the "Goddess Morrighan" keyword.
  • Talk to Tarlach with the "Night of Sidhe Sneachta" keyword.

The Goddess Who Turned Into Stone (Book)
"Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog" Keyword

Additional Information

You will only be able to speak with Tarlach between the sundown hours of 6pm to 5:59am in-game.

Story Context

Talking to Duncan about the Goddess, he tells you to speak with Meven, the head priest of Tir Chonaill's church. Speaking with Meven, he reveals that the Goddess' name is Morrighan, the black-winged Goddess of War and Vengeance. Information on her is featured in a passage of a book he gives you: The Goddess Who Turned Into Stone. At the end of your conversation with Meven, he reveals that Tarlach, in fact, is the only surviving member of the three warriors, despite everyone claiming he is dead. He urges you to go to Sidhe Sneachta at night to see for yourself.

The Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog[edit]


  • Description: Obtain the book The Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog.


  • Talk to Aeira using the newly obtained keyword. She recalls that the book is no longer in stock.
  • Talk to Aeira with the keyword again. She explains that the publisher has decided to print another volume of it.
  • Speak to Aeira with the keyword again.
  • After a short time passes, an owl will deliver the next quest.
    • Once received, return to Aeira and obtain the book The Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog.
  • Read it and obtain the keyword "Paradise".
  • Talk to Tarlach using the keyword "Paradise" and obtain the Brown Fomor Pass (space: 1x2) and a Red Wings of Goddess, which allows one and his/her party to instantly teleport to Barri Dungeon.

Brown Evil Pass[edit]


  • Requirement: 1~3 person (people) only
  • Description: Clear the dungeon created using Brown Evil Pass
    • Note: The player with Brown Evil Pass must be the leader of the party.


  • Drop the Brown Evil Pass on the altar of Barri Dungeon. (It is recommended to clear this dungeon with party members.)
    • Monsters: King Mimic, Sickle Laghodessa, Brown Gremlin, Gray Gremlin, Green Gremlin, Flying Sword, Giant Worm
  • Enter the boss chamber and obtain the keyword "Evil Medal".
    • Boss: Black Wizard and 8 Wisps
  • Obtain a Fomor Medal from the reward chest. It may come out of a party mate's reward chest instead of your own, so make sure to check theirs if you did not receive it from yours (hold down the ALT key for a better view of dropped items).
    • If you lose your Fomor Medal you may speak with Comgan again for another Brown Evil Pass.

Medal of Priests[edit]


  • Talk to Comgan in Bangor, (Optional) Kristell in Dunbarton, (Optional) James in Emain Macha, Endelyon and Meven in Tir Chonaill.
    • Note: The order in which you speak to the NPC's does not appear to matter (Eg. Speaking to Endelyon, then Meven, and then Comgan will give you the Priest's Token Keyword.)

Goro's Ring[edit]


  • Requirement: One must drop their own Basic pass as the party's leader and have every other member leave the dungeon and party before opening the boss door.
  • Description: Clear Ciar Basic Dungeon.


  • Talk to Goro (in the Alby Arena entrance) using the keyword "Priest's Token".
    • He requests the player to recover a lost ring from depths of Ciar Basic Dungeon in exchange for teaching the meaning behind the Fomor script. He tells the player that they must enter and clear the dungeon solo. But do not be afraid to take a party; as long as you meet the requirements explained in the box above, you will still get the ring.
      • The Ciar Basic Pass must be obtained from monsters or a reward room chest from Ciar Dungeon.
      • The pass can also be purchased from the Suspicious Pass Seller.
      • The ring is 2x2 in size, so be sure to have room.
  • Present the recovered ring to Goro. He reveals the script's meaning, "Goddess, please lend me the moonlight...", and you will receive the new keyword "Dul Brau Dairam Shanon".
  • Talk to Tarlach regarding the new keyword. He says Goro's translation is false, and tells the true meaning of the script.
  • Talk to Goro using the keyword "Dul Brau Dairam Shanon". He offers an apology, and mentions a traitorous Succubus living and hiding in Dunbarton.

RP Quest - Succubus[edit]


  • Description: Clear the Rabbie RP dungeon (as Tarlach)


  • Talk to Kristell using the keyword "Dul Brau Dairam Shanon" and obtain item Tarlach's Glasses Pouch (space: 1x2) and Red Wings of Goddess which allows you to instantly teleport to Rabbie Dungeon.
  • Drop Tarlach's Glasses Pouch on the altar of Rabbie Dungeon.
    • The dungeon is a normal Rabbie Dungeon, and thus can be rather long.
  • Defeat the Succubus at the end of the dungeon to obtain the keyword "Kristell's Past".
  • Talk to Kristell using the keyword "Kristell's Past" and obtain the keyword "Kristell's Message".
  • Talk to Tarlach with the keyword "Kristell's Message". Tarlach will want you to ask Kristell to translate the Book of Evil.

Book of Evil[edit]


  • Requirement: Holy Water of Lymilark x 1
  • Description: Obtain Book of Evil.


  • Complete the quest by talking to Kristell.
  • After receiving Kristell's owl, talk to Kristell again.
  • Talk to Tarlach. He wants the player to retrieve something that he entrusted to Meven.
  • Meven directs the player to Lassar. Complete the quest and obtain the keyword "Meven's Request".
  • Talk to Lassar using the new keyword and give her a Holy Water of Lymilark. She vows to send an owl when she's ready. Wait in a place where it is possible to receive an owl's message (i.e. outside the school).
    • Holy Water of Lymilark can be obtained from Endelyon, Kristell, or Comgan's part-time jobs.
  • Once an owl delivers Lassar's message, retrieve the Black Rose (space: 2x1) from Lassar, then return to Tarlach.
  • Tarlach requests that the rose be given to Kristell.
  • Bring the Black Rose to Kristell and complete the quest. Obtain the translated volume of The Book of Revenge.

The Book of Revenge[edit]


  • Read The Book of Revenge and obtain the keyword "Mores".
  • Talk to Duncan using the keyword "Mores" and obtain a new keyword "Mores Gwydion".
  • Talk to Tarlach using the new keyword and obtain the keyword "Mores' Lost Property".
  • (Optional) Talk to Eavan of Dunbarton about "Mores' Lost Property".
  • Talk to Kristell using the same keyword and obtain object A Half of a Torque (space: 1x1) and a Red Wings of Goddess which allows one to instantly teleport to Math Dungeon.

RP Quest - Mores[edit]


  • Requirement: 1-person RP dungeon
  • Description: Clear Mores' RP dungeon


  • Drop A Half of a Torque onto the altar of Math Dungeon.
    • It is about the length of a normal Math Dungeon.
  • Clear the dungeon and obtain the keyword "Morrighan's Revenge".

Wizard's Note[edit]


  • Description: Obtain The Book of Revenge, Vol. II


  • (Optional; Response not implemented) Talk to Kristell using the keyword "Morrighan's Revenge".
  • Talk to Duncan using the same keyword. He directs the player to Tarlach.
  • Talk to Tarlach and obtain The Book of Revenge.
  • Lend the book to Duncan. He is under the impression that the book is actually a trilogy.
  • Talk to Kristell. She suggests talking to Aeira.
  • Complete the quest and receive an owl from Aeira.
  • Talk to Aeira and complete the quest to receive the "Wizard's Note" keyword and the item. Red Wings of Goddess will allow you and your party to instantly teleport to Ciar Dungeon.
  • Drop the Wizard's Note on the altar of Ciar. It is a normal Ciar Dungeon, and you may bring a party along.
  • Obtain The Book of Revenge, Vol II inside the reward chest
    • Note: When coming with a party, make sure to check the others' chests for the book, as it may not turn up on your chest.

The Book of Revenge, Volume II[edit]


  • Description: Translate The Book of Revenge, Volume II.


  • Ask Kristell to translate The Book of Revenge, Vol II.
  • An owl will notify the player when Kristell has completed translating the text. Talk to Kristell and obtain the translated volume.
  • Show the translated text to Duncan, who will then ask for the third volume.
  • Talk to Aeira and complete the quest. Wait for her owl.

Investigation of the third volume of the Book of Revenge[edit]


  • Description: Look for The Book of Revenge, Volume III.


  • Talk to Aeira and receive a quest in search for the last volume of the trilogy.
  • Talk to Lassar. She believes Seumas of Gairech has the third volume.
  • Seumas asks a favor in return for handing over the book. He wants the player to deliver an item to his son.
  • Give Sion the present.
  • Obtain The Book of Revenge, Vol III from Seumas.
  • Talk to Kristell and ask for the translation of the third volume, as well.
  • An owl soon arrives from Kristell. Go talk to her and obtain the translated text.

Book of the Revenge, Volume III[edit]


  • Description: Investigate the content of the book.


  • Read The Book of Revenge, Vol III [translated] and obtain the keyword "Glas Ghaibhleann".
  • Talk to Duncan using the keyword "Glas Ghaibhleann" and lend him the translated text. Obtain from Duncan the keyword "Destructive Glas Ghaibhleann". According to him, Bryce of Bangor has an ancient text including accounts of the beast.
  • Talk to Bryce using the keyword "Destructive Glas Ghaibhleann". Obtain the new keyword "Glas Ghaibhleann's Bone" and the book The Embodiment of Destruction, Glas Ghaibhleann.

Embodiment of Destruction, Glas Ghaibhleann[edit]


  • Description: Investigation of Glas Ghaibhleann


  • (Optional) Talk to Duncan using the keyword "Glas Ghaibhleann's Bone".
  • Talk to Tarlach using the same keyword and agree to find him some Magic Powder of Preservation.

Magic Powder of Preservation[edit]


  • Description: Find the powder at Fiodh Dungeon.
    • Note: You must be the leader of the party and drop an item on the altar yourself or you won't get the Magic Powder. It will drop for you but will be locked to the party leader.


  • Drop any item onto Fiodh Dungeon's altar. You may bring a party.
  • Obtain Magic Powder of Preservation at the reward chamber.
    • As with the Fomor Token quest, the magic powder may come from any reward chest, so be sure to check your party mates' chests if you did not get it from yours
    • Note: Multiple players doing this quest can each get a Magic Powder of Preservation at the reward chamber without having to start over.
    • Beware! If another player picks it up and they are not doing the quest, then you cannot obtain it and you will have to redo it again. The Powder is untradeable no matter what!
  • Give Tarlach the powder and receive Tarlach's Preserved Broken Glasses and a Red Wing of Goddess which allows you and your party to instantly teleport to Rabbie Dungeon.

RP Quest - Rabbie Dungeon[edit]


  • Requirement: 3-person Role-playing (RP) quest
  • Description: Clear the RP dungeon.
    • Note: The player with the glasses must be the leader of the party.
Party Leader: Mari
Members: Tarlach, Ruairi


  • Drop the pair of glasses on the altar of Rabbie Dungeon while in a 3-persons party.
    • The dungeon is 2 floors long and is similar to Albey Normal
    • The boss is 7 Ghost Armor. When defeated, Dark Lord will appear.
    • Dark Lord is has 100% Protection against Magic and Melee, so only Mari can defeat him.
  • Clear the dungeon and obtain the keyword "Morrighan's Betrayal".

The Pendant from Goddess[edit]


  • Description: Investigation of the goddess and obtain the Pendant from Goddess.


  • Talk to Duncan using the keyword "Morrighan's Betrayal".
    • Exit the client and re-login to see the goddess' second message and obtain the keyword "Goddess' Request" and the Pendant from the Goddess.
  • Talk to Duncan using the new keyword and obtain the keyword "How to Reach Tir Na Nog".
  • Wait a few hours Erinn-time to receive a quest from Duncan. Talk to him again and complete it to obtain The Other Half of a Torque and a Red Wings of Goddess to instantly teleport to Math Dungeon.

RP Quest - Shiela's Memory[edit]


  • Requirement: 2-persons RP quest
  • Description: Clear the RP dungeon.
Party Leader: Shiela (If solo you will play as Mores instead)
Member: Mores


  • While in a 2-persons party, drop the torque on the altar of Math Dungeon.
    • If you lose the torque, see Eavan of Dunbarton using the keyword "Broken Torque" for another one.
  • Clear the dungeon and obtain the keyword "Cichol".
    • (Optional) Talk to Tarlach about this new keyword, he will change his attitude regarding the goddess and ask for your help.

Kristell's Request[edit]


  • Requirement: Requirement: Titles stated below while level 25 or higher
  • Description: Slay monsters threatening Kristell.


  • Talk with Duncan.
  • Talk to Kristell using the keyword "How to Reach to Tir Na Nog".
    • She demands a proof to demonstrate strength and bravery. (Use titles such as the Bear Slayer, the Ogre Slayer, the Golem Slayer, etc.)
    • Kristell is NOT impressed by 'The Succubus Slayer' title for obvious reasons.
  • Meet the requirement and talk to Kristell again using the same keyword.
  • Slay 1 of each instructed monster. (Remove or complete all Party Quests, as slaying the monsters will not be registered to mainstream scenario.)
Black Dire Wolf: Dugald Aisle Southwest
Werewolf: Fiodh Dungeon or Barri Basic boss chamber
Ogre: Gairech Hills or Barri Normal boss chamber
  • Talk to Kristell and complete the quest. Obtain Black Evil Pass and a Red Wings of Goddess to instantly teleport to Barri Dungeon.
  • Exit the client and re-login to see the third message from the goddess to obtain the keyword "Breaker of the Seal of Another World".

The Seal Breaker of Another World[edit]


  • Requirement: Party of maximum 3, all must be Lv 25+,
  • Description: Go to Another World through Barri Dungeon.


  • Drop Black Evil Pass on the altar of Barri Dungeon. The Samhain (Saturday) requirement has been removed.
    • Monsters: Goblin, Goblin Archer, Poison Goblin, Black Spider, Imp
  • Defeat monsters in the boss chamber and enter the gate nearby.
    • Boss: Wisp x 5, Flying Sword x 3
  • Take the portal connecting Erinn and Another World. The player who had dropped Black Evil Pass will acquire the title the Seal Breaker of Another World upon entering Another World.
    • Nao's Revival Service cannot be used in Another World.
    • Since repairing of equipment is not possible, prepare well before entering Another World.
    • Bare necessities (HP Potions, Bandages, Phoenix Feathers) are sold by the NPC Dougal.
    • Arrows cannot be bought. However, timber wolves found around Another World drop arrows frequently enough.
    • Another World also lacks Goddess' statues inside dungeons, so only party members are able to resuscitate unconscious players.

Bind Magic[edit]


  • Description: (Optional, strongly recommended) Investigation of Added Soul Phenomenon


  • Talk to Dougal. His owl will soon deliver a quest.
  • Kill 50 zombies in graveyard area.
  • After clearing the quest, one can revive near Dougal when knocked unconscious.

Collecting Pieces of Black Orb[edit]


  • Requirement: Small Green Gem, Small Blue Gem, Small Red Gem, Small Silver Gem
  • Description: Collect 4 Pieces of Black Orb in Albey Dungeon.


  • Drop each colored gem on the altar of Albey Dungeon and clear all.
  • Strike the black orb at the reward chamber five times to obtain a Piece of the Black Orb. (Only 1 piece can be obtained from each dungeon.)
  • After obtaining 4 pieces, buy a quest from Dougal and combine them into one.
    • The pieces are tradeable, as well as the Whole Orb. Also, the Black Orb can be sold from a player merchant stall.
  • The Bosses of each dungeon are as follows:
Green Gem Dungeon: 3 Heavy Gargoyles, 5 Light Gargoyles (This dungeon contains Light Gargoyles in its normal rooms)
Blue Gem Dungeon: 3 Lycanthropes
Red Gem Dungeon: 1 Nightmare Humanoid (Piece 3)
Silver Gem Dungeon: 1 Black Golem, 6 Metal Skeleton (Armored) (This dungeon contains Light Gargoyles in its normal rooms)

Black Orb Dungeon[edit]


  • Requirement: 1~3-persons party
  • Description: Clear Black Orb Dungeon.


  • Drop Black Orb on the altar of Albey Dungeon.
    • If all party members are knocked unconscious, there is no choice but to obtain another Black Orb, or have another player outside the dungeon use an Advanced Feather.
    • This dungeon consists of 2 floors, and has (many) rooms containing Light Gargoyles.
  • Defeat the boss. (Ghost Armors)
  • Obtain the keyword "Glas Ghaibhleann's Rebirth".

Any player at the same stage in G1 will also receive the keyword when the dungeon is completed.

Glas Ghaibhleann[edit]


  • Requirement: 1~3-person party
  • Description: Defeat Glas Ghaibhleann.


  • Talk to Dougal using the new keyword, and give him the Pendant from Goddess.
  • Receive the Pendant from Goddess (bind) and a Red Wings of Goddess to instantly teleport to Albey Dungeon.
    • Drop the pendant on the altar of Albey Dungeon.
    • The dungeon created consists of 6 floors. Each floor has a boss guarding it.
1F: Hellhound x 3
2F: Lycanthrope x 1
3F: Heavy Gargoyle x 1
4F: Ghost Armor x 6
5F: Black Wizard x 1 & Wisp x 6
6F: Dark Lord & Ghost Armor x 2
  • After clearing the dungeon up to the 6th floor boss room, you will find a Goddess Pass in a treasure chest, which will let you return to the boss room if you wish to finish the dungeon later. If you use the pass, you will find a treasure chest with a replacement pass upon entering, which means you can attempt the Dark Lord fight as many times as you wish without having to do the dungeon again from the beginning. Please Note: If you lose the Goddess Pass, you have to do the entire dungeon again from the beginning.
    • Unlike the Dark Lord in the role play quest as Mari Ruairi and Tarlach, the Dark Lord in this dungeon is not invulnerable to melee and magic, and can be damaged by any attack.
    • The battle against Glas Ghaibhleann will ensue after defeating Dark Lord.
    • Glas Ghaibhleann summons Light Gargoyles when attacked. (They will multi-aggro, and have a massive detection range.) Since Glas Ghaibhleann's HP recovery rate is fast, players must proceed to inflict wounds (Glas's HP recovery mechanic is not currently implemented).
    • The Gargoyles drop firewood or a Seal Scroll upon defeat. Burning a Seal Scroll in a campfire will increase the player's wound rate to 100% for approximately 60 seconds and effectively makes the player invincible by reducing all damage taken.
    • Before attacking Glas Ghaibhleann, it is recommended to collect a number of the scrolls beforehand and distribute them to the party.
  • Defeat Glas Ghaibhleann and clear G1 mainstream scenario. The party leader will obtain the keyword "The Knight of Light". They will also acquire the title who Saved the Goddess and the enchant Goddess.
  • All party members will return to Tir Chonaill after the credit roll. If a member does not wish to leave Another World, they must forcefully quit the game during the ending cut scene.

The story continues in Generation 2.