[edit]Template Documentation
The spawns can either be either all 3 waves, or the last wave. Last waves are bolded.
Spawns |
This is the "MonsterSpawnsInfo" template.
Useful for dungeon pages to list all possible spawns / type of spawns in that given variant.
How to Use
It should be called in the following format:
<!-- → --> {{MonsterSpawnsInfo | Normal Monsters = | Boss Room Monsters = | Trapped Chest Spawns = {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Floor|Floor Number= 1}} {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Row|Monster Spawns= }} | Orb Room Spawns = <!--- Paste Monster Spawn lines here ---> | Mimic Pit Spawns = <!--- Paste Monster Spawn lines here ---> | Pre-Spawned Monsters = <!--- Paste Monster Spawn lines here ---> | Ambush Room Exist= (YES/NO) | Ambush Rooms= {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Ambush | Ambush Room Monsters= <!--- Paste Floor / Monster Spawn lines here ---> }} }}
Parameter | Usage | Example |
Normal Monsters | For this part, just list all the monsters (as links to this wiki) that appear throughout the dungeon (not boss room.) To link the monster, just type [[Monster Name]] If there are multiple monsters that exist of the same name, check out the monster page under Monsters to find the correct one to put. Try to separate each monster with a '/'. |
Golem (Beginner) / Golem (Ceo Black) |
Boss Room Monsters | List all monsters that appear in the boss room. Even if some of the monsters are a repeat from ones that appear in the dungeon, list them if they appear in the boss room as well. To link the monster, just type [[Monster Name]] If there are multiple monsters that exist of the same name, check out the monster page under Monsters to find the correct one to put. Try to separate each monster with a '/'. |
Golem (Dark Green) / Metal Skeleton |
Trapped Chest Spawns | Here is where a majority of the monster spawn listings will be. To list the monsters, you will be using two lines of code:{{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Floor|Floor Number= 1}}- This line marks the floor number. For the boss room, just use this line of code and write it as "(Floor Number) - Boss Room" for the Floor Number {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Row|Monster Spawns= }}- This marks the spawns that appear in a dungeon room after opening a chest. These are the trapped chest spawns. |
| Trapped Chest Spawns = {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Floor|Floor Number= 1}} {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Row|Monster Spawns= }} |
Floor Number | This is the line of code to mark your floor number. Use this when separating the floors between the monster spawn sections specifically for Trapped Chest Rooms and Ambush Rooms. For Treasure Chamber Spawns, just put: (Floor Number) - Treasure Chamber Spawns and follow it with Monster Spawn lines. Put them at the end of the Trapped Chest Spawns section, separated from the others by a space. | {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Floor|Floor Number= 1}} |
Monster Spawns | This line of code is where you list monster spawns, regardless of where it is put. (It is used under Trapped Chest Spawns, Orb Room Spawns, Mimic Pit Spawns, Pre-Spawned Monsters, and Ambush Room Monsters. These monsters are listed as three waves: Wave 1 → Wave 2 → '''Wave 3''' (If only one wave spawns in a dungeon room during your run, that is Wave 3.) Wave 3 is bolded with '''(Bolded Text)'''as it is the last wave. For the arrows, they will be at the top of the code for easy copy-paste. |
{{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Row|Monster Spawns= Monster x2 + Monster x1 → Monster x6 → '''Monster x2 + Monster x6'''}} |
Orb Room Spawns | This is where spawns from orb rooms would be placed. (Any room that has pillars on all four corners that spawn monsters.) Just use the Monster Spawns lines and copy-paste them. You will not need the arrows for these ones as they do not appear as multiple waves. No need to list floors. | | Orb Room Spawns = {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Row|Monster Spawns= Monster x2 + Monster x1}} |
Mimic Pit Spawns | This is where spawns from Mimic Pits would be placed. These are typically in the hallways of dungeons, where there will be one chest that has the key, surrounded by monsters (typically mimics.) Just copy-paste the monster spawn lines as needed. No need to list floors. | | Mimic Pit Spawns = {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Row|Monster Spawns= Monster x2 + Monster x1}} |
Pre-Spawned Monsters | This is where spawns that are already pre-spawned in a room prior walking to it. Just copy-paste the monster spawn lines as needed. No need to list floors. | | Pre-Spawned Monsters = {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Row|Monster Spawns= Monster x2 + Monster x1}} |
Ambush Room Exists | This is a boolean (YES/NO) for whether Ambush Rooms exist for this specific dungeon. This is a feature that exists in the custom dungeons on this server. Ambush rooms are rooms where monsters will spawn suddenly when you cross the door threshold into the next room. Just type YES or NO if the Ambush room exists. If no, you do not need to have the lines of code that reference Ambush Rooms. You can remove them or leave them blank. | | Ambush Room Exists= YES |
Ambush Room Monsters | This is where the spawns for the Ambush Room monsters are put. Typically, in Ambush Rooms, specific types of monsters will spawn on any given floor. You will need to list the floor (by utilizing the floor line of code as described earlier), and the monster spawns (line of code). You will not need to list monsters as waves or multiples. Just list all the different types of monsters that can spawn during the ambush. If there is a reward for completing that specific room, just list it by putting: - Reward: (Rewards you receive). | | Ambush Rooms= {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Ambush | Ambush Room Monsters= {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Floor|Floor Number= 1 - Reward: 20 Special Bait Tins}} {{MonsterSpawnsInfo/Row|Monster Spawns= '''Spawns multiples of:'''<br>Lost Sahagin (Non-explosive) + Sahagin Fighter (Hardmode) + Sahagin Soldier (Hardmode) + Sahagin Ranger (Hardmode) + Sahagin Warrior (Hardmode) + Elite Sahagin Mage (Hardmode)}} }} |