
From Auranogi
[edit]Template Documentation
Dye Information
Part A

Main Lantern (Cloth Palette)

Part B

Main Lantern (Cloth Palette)


This is the "PaletteInfoBox" template.

How to Use

It should be called in the following format:

| Rows =
{{PaletteRow|Title= |Content= }}


Parameter Usage Example
Rows (Palette Row) For Rows=, you just copy-paste the line "
{{PaletteRow|Title= |Content= }}
for however many different sections of dyeable parts the equipment has. If an item has A, B, and C sections, you'd just need to copy-paste three times and add the info in accordingly.

When adding the info in for the dyeable part, this is what I did to give it a clean look:

<span style="float:left; display:block; margin-right:10px;">[[File:SPRITE IMAGE NAME.png]]</span><br>NAME OF PART <small>([[MWW link to the specific dye palette it uses. This will be featured on their Dye Palettes page. Just do mww:Dye Palettes#(the name of the specific palette on the page)|(name of the specific palette on the page)]])</small>
See row below:
Part A

Main Lantern (Cloth Palette)

Title The title is just the Part, followed by the letter of that part. It can be Part A, B, C, etc. Just make sure to remember to bold it with
See row below:
Part A
Content For the content, you need to specify the image file of the item (with the part colored blue to mark the spot that is being dyed. I did this by using Mabi Base. Find the item on Mabi Base, then use the dye sample tool at the bottom of the item page to color the specific part you need the image for, then save the image and use it for this template. You can just name the file something along the lines of "(Item name)_Part A.png, (Item name_Part B.png, etc."

For looks, I use a span tag, which just adds some pretty looks to the text, while also allowing it to behave a certain way.

  • float: left - just makes the text stay on the left side in the box.
  • display:block - Makes it so nothing wraps around the image itself, so it stays separated.
  • margin-right:10px - Adds a little buffer on the right-hand side so the text doesn't display right at the edge of the image.
This should be the end result. See row below:
Part A

Main Lantern (Cloth Palette)