
From Auranogi

[edit]Template Documentation
Shop Example
Item Name Price
( g )
Item Listing 10,000
Item Listing 10,000
Item Listing 10,000
Item Listing 10,000
Item Listing 10,000
Item Listing 10,000


This is a template used for making NPC shop listings.

How To Use

Input the details of the shop and its items, such as its Shop Title (the individual tabs in an NPC's Shop), the Currency that is used, and the Listings themselves, featuring the link to the item, and their Price.

| Shop Title = 
| Currency   = 
| Shop Rows  =
{{ShopInfoList/Rows|Shop Listing = Item Listing|Price of Listing =10,000}}


Parameter Usage Example
Shop Title Displays the title of the shop tab present within an NPC's shop. "Hats", "Clothing", "Shoes and Gloves", "Gifts", etc.
Currency Used to showcase what currency is used to purchase the items within this NPC's shop. You can just type it in singular format rather than plural. "g", "Holiday Bonus Token", "Pon", etc.
Shop Rows Each row is used to showcase a listing within an NPC's shop. This is where you provide the details of the shop itself.
{{ShopInfoList/Rows|Shop Listing = Item Listing|Price of Listing =10,000}}
ShopInfoList/Rows This is a template that is called to format each listing's row for simplicity. You just enter the information such as the item and its price.
{{ShopInfoList/Rows|Shop Listing = [[mww:Panda Headband|Panda Headband]]|Price of Listing =10,000}}

  • {{ShopInfoList/Rows|
    --Calls the template that is being used to create the rows for each listing.
  •  Shop Listing = 
    -- For this, you type out the linked item. You will need to either:
    A. Create a Mabinogi World Wiki link (which is a direct reference to a live Mabinogi wiki for easy reference to items that are exactly the same as they are on this server. To use it, you just type
    [[mww: | ]]
    . Within it, you type the item name as it is displayed on the wiki where it says
    , and the name of the item as it appears in this server following the

Here is a prime example of how it might look:

[[mww:Panda Headband|Panda Headband]]
, which shows up as: Panda Headband.
  • In this case, the name was the same in both the Mabinogi World Wiki and the server.
If it is not an item featured on Mabinogi World Wiki, just make the link to the item reference a page on this wiki by just typing the name of the item between [[ ]].
Example: [[Panda Headband]]