
From Auranogi
Page Drop Locations
Page # Drop Location
1 Kobold Archer
2 Brown Gremlin
3 Alby Normal Dungeon - End Chest
4 Giant Red Spider
5 Rundal Basic Dungeon - End Chest


This is the "SkillPageDropsInfo" template.

This template is for Skill page information. It is useful for skills that require pages in order to learn it. With this template, you can list the pages and their drop locations.

How to Use[edit]

It should be called in the following format:

|Page Rows=
{{SkillPageDropsInfo/Row|Even= |Page #= |Page Location= }}


Parameter Usage Example
Page Rows For page rows, you just need to copy-paste this line of code:
{{SkillPageDropsInfo/Row|Even= |Page #= |Page Location= }}
for each page that is needed.
| Page Rows=
{{SkillPageDropsInfo/Row|Even= |Page #= |Page Location= }}
{{SkillPageDropsInfo/Row|Even= |Page #= |Page Location= }}
{{SkillPageDropsInfo/Row|Even= |Page #= |Page Location= }}
{{SkillPageDropsInfo/Row|Even= |Page #= |Page Location= }}
{{SkillPageDropsInfo/Row|Even= |Page #= |Page Location= }}
Even This is a marker that makes the background of a specific line a different color. If the page number is Even, make the value YES. If not, leave it blank.
| Even= YES
Page # This is just for the page number itself. Just type the page number this line is for.
| Page #= 1
Page Location List the location(s) for where the specific page is dropped. Make sure to link them to their monsters/quests/dungeons they come from by using
[[(Wiki Page Name)]]

Make sure to separate each drop location with a '/'.
| Page Location= [[Green Gremlin]] / [[Brown Gremlin]] / [[Barri Basic Dungeon]] - End Chest