Stats and Skills: Difference between revisions

From Auranogi
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*Defense reduces incoming damage by your defense number.
*Defense reduces incoming damage by your defense number.
*Protection reduces incoming damage by 1% and incoming critical hit chance by 1.75% per point.
*Protection reduces incoming damage by 1% and incoming critical hit chance by 2% per point.

===Damage Negation===
===Damage Negation===

Latest revision as of 15:21, 8 March 2025

Skill Stat Bonuses and AP efficiency[edit]

Entries shown in red are unreleased skill ranks.

Stat Scaling[edit]


  • For Melee weapons excluding knuckles, 2.5 Strength adds 1 max and 3 Strength adds 1 min.
  • For Dual Guns, 5 Strength adds 1 max and 6 Strength adds 1 min.
  • For Atlatls, 3 Strength adds 1 max and 5 Strength adds 1 min.
  • 10 Strength adds 1 Defense point.


  • 5 Intelligence adds 1 Magic Attack.
  • 20 Intelligence adds 1 Magic Protection.
  • 4 Intelligence adds 1 Magic Balance.
  • 100 Intelligence decreases cast times and mp cost of Intermediate Magic spells by 2%.
  • For Dual Guns, 5 Intelligence adds 1 max and 6 Intelligence adds 1 min.
  • Intelligence boosts your success rate with Enchanting, up to a cap of 200 Intelligence.


  • For Bows and Crossbows, 2.5 Dexterity adds 1 max and 3.5 Dexterity adds 1 min.
  • Dexterity increases balance by a logarithmic relation, capping at 50% additional balance at about 1069 Dexterity. 40% additional balance is gained at about 478 Dexterity.
  • 15 Dexterity adds 1 Armor Pierce, each point of which bypasses a point of enemy defense.
  • 10 Dexterity adds 1% to Maximum Injury and 0.5% to Minimum Injury.
  • Reduces instability in the Cooking meter.
  • 10 Dexterity adds 1% success rate to most life skills, to a cap of 180 Dexterity.


  • For Knuckles, 3 Will adds 1 max and 3.5 Will adds 1 min.
  • 10 Will adds 1% Critical.
  • 10 Will adds 2% to Maximum Injury and 0.5% to Minimum Injury.
  • 10 Will adds 1 Magic Defense.
  • Higher Will increases the chances of entering deadly on an otherwise lethal blow.


  • 5 Luck adds 1% Critical.
  • Higher Luck increases the chance for Lucky Gathers; Luck/2000 for a Lucky Gather and Luck/50000 for a Huge Lucky Gather.
  • Higher luck increases the chance for a Lucky Finish, starting with a 1x chance multiplier where each point of Luck adds 0.005 to the multiplier up to a cap of 1.9x at 180 Luck.


  • 8% of your current HP contributes to Flame Burst damage.


  • 30% of your current MP contributes to Water Cannon damage.


  • 25% of your current Stamina contributes to Wind Blast damage.
  • 10% of your current Stamina contributes to Sand Burst damage.

Magic Attack[edit]

  • Icebolt gains 0.35 Min and 0.4 Max per Magic Attack
  • Firebolt gains 0.35 Min and 0.5 Max per Magic Attack.
  • Lightning Bolt gains 0.3 Min and 0.6 Max per Magic Attack.
  • Ice Spear gains 0.45 Min and 1.4 Max per Magic Attack.
  • Fireball gains 8.0 Min and 12.0 Max per Magic Attack.
  • Thunder gains 1.4 Min and 2.1 Max per Magic Attack.


  • Defense reduces incoming damage by your defense number.


  • Protection reduces incoming damage by 1% and incoming critical hit chance by 2% per point.

Damage Negation[edit]

  • The damage negation formula is as follows;

Magic Defense[edit]

  • Magic Defense reduces magical and alchemy damage received by your Magic Defense number.

Magic Protection[edit]

  • Magic Protection reduces magical and alchemy damage received by a percentage (amount is unconfirmed).

Set Effect bonuses[edit]

  • Set effects aren't currently implemented on Auranogi.

Combat Power (CP)[edit]

  • There are 6 different relationships the enemies can have to a player based on the ratio of its CP to the player's CP.
   BOSS (boss enemy) - over 3x
   AWFUL (very powerful enemy) - 2x - 3x 
   STRONG (powerful enemy) - 1.4x - 2x 
   NORMAL (similar enemy, this will appear without a tag) - 1x - 1.4x 
   WEAK - 0.8x - 1.0x 
   WEAKEST - under 0.8x


  • Your chance to land a critical hit against an enemy is capped at 30% despite how high your critical can actually go.
  • Deals your base damage you would have initially done plus your Critical Hit skill rank % (up to +150) of your max damage. Crits have less variance and are weighted closer to your max damage when compared to non-crits.
  • An enemy's protection reduces your chance to crit by 1.75% per point on Auranogi (different from the 2% it normally is on Official Mabi).
  • This means that to achieve the crit cap against enemies with protection, you must obtain (Enemy Prot) × 1.75 + 30 Critical.
    • e.g. An enemy with 10% protection (Gold Bone Fighters and Lancers in Basic mode) requires 10 × 1.75 + 30 = 47.5% Critical.
    • An enemy with 30% protection (Siren) requires 30 × 1.75 + 30= 82.5% Critical.
    • An enemy with 65% protection (Alby Adv. HM enemies) requires 65 × 1.75 + 30 = 143.75% Critical.

Being able to crit versus being unable to crit is approximately a 45% DPS output increase (30% chance to crit multiplied by the 150% damage increase on critting).

Certain skills ignore enemy protection when calculating critical hit rates. Thus having only 30% Critical is enough to be able to reach the cap. Including:

Max Damage[edit]

Increases your maximum damage, which then gets multiplied by the skills you use.

Despite there being dedicated stats for mages and alchemists, Max Damage enchants do affect magic and alchemy, although not in the same way that it affects physical talents, and not all skills are affected equally:

  • Icebolt gains 0.08 max per point of Max Damage from enchants. Alternatively, 1 Magic Attack = 8 Max Damage from enchants.
  • Firebolt gains 0.4 max per point of Max Damage from enchants. Alternatively, 1 Magic attack = 1.25 Max Damage from enchants.
  • Lightning Bolt gains 0.44 max per point of Max Damage from enchants. Alternatively, 1 Magic attack = 1.36 Max Damage from enchants.
  • Ice Spear gains 0.1 max per point of Max Damage from enchants. Alternatively, 1 Magic Attack = 14 Max Damage from enchants.
  • Fireball gains 0.5 max per point of Max Damage from enchants. Alternatively, 1 Magic Attack = 24 Max Damage from enchants.
  • Thunder gains 0.5 max per point of Max Damage from enchants. Alternatively, 1 Magic Attack = 4.2 Max Damage from enchants.

Alchemy works a little differently, in that max damage comes somewhere else in the formula instead of where alchemy enchants go, which give them worse scaling.

Firebolt, Lightning Bolt, Thunder and Flame Burst are non-physical skills that benefit well from Max Attack compared to some of their other counterparts in their skillsets.


  • Piercing Level ignores a portion of the enemy's Defense and Protection during damage calculations.
    • Both Phyiscal and Magical Stats are affected by Piercing Level.
    • Piercing Level will not cause Defense or Protection to go into negatives below 0.
  • Piercing on Auranogi uses custom values in comparison to other versions of Mabinogi.
Piercing Level Defence Ignored Protection Ignored
1 5 3
2 10 6
3 15 9
4 20 12
5 25 15
6 30 18
7 35 21
8 40 24
9+ 45 27