
From Auranogi

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[edit]Template Documentation
No Image File Uploaded.
Dungeon Information
Drop Item Any
Floor Number Unknown
Visible Floors Unknown
Treasure Rooms Unknown
Hallway Chests Unknown
Party Count Unknown
Fountains Unknown
Tiro Unknown
Herb Patches Unknown
Ore Veins Unknown


This is the "DungeonInfoBox" template.

How to Use

It should be called in the following format:

|Image        =

|DropItem     =

|FloorNumber  =
|PartyCount   =

|Fountains    =
|Tiro         =

|HerbAppear   =
|BaseHerb     =
|BloodyHerb   =
|SunlightHerb =
|ManaHerb     =
|WhiteHerb    =
|GoldHerb     =
|AntidoteHerb =
|PoisonHerb   =
|MandrakeHerb =

|OreAppear    =
|RegularOre   =
|GoldORE      =
|MythrilOre   =
|SpiritOre    =

|OtherGather  =

*Note: OtherGather information cannot be used currently.


Parameter Usage Example
DropItem The pass used to enter the dungeon. 'Any' on default for normal dungeons. Refer to the Pass page for the list of passes to reference, but do note that the official wiki's pass list is not accurate to what is here on Auranogi. Ciar Beginner Pass
FloorNumber The number of floors the dungeon has. Numerical value (Between 1 and 5 usually)
VisibleFloors Number of floors whose minimap is already uncovered. Numerical value
TreasureRooms The dungeon has treasure chamber rooms that may appear in it. Yes/No
HallwayChests The dungeon has dead-end chests. Yes/No
PartyCount Number of people required to enter the dungeon. A value like 1, 1~4, 1~8, 3~4. 1~4
Fountains The dungeon has fountains that may appear in it. Yes/No
Tiro Tiro appears in the dungeon to sell his wares. Yes/No
HerbAppear Herb patches appear in the dungeon. Default Unknown. Can be given No/no/N/n to result in "No", be given Yes/yes/Y/y to show herbs noted as appearing. Yes/No
Herb Indicate whether a specific patch occurs in the dungeon. Leave blank if unknown or if it does not appear. Use only if HerbAppear is set to 'yes' Yes/No
OreAppear Ore veins appear in the dungeon. Default Unknown. Can be given No/no/N/n to result in "No", be given Yes/yes/Y/y to show ores noted as appearing. Yes/No
Ore Indicate whether a specific vein occurs in the dungeon. Leave blank if unknown or if it does not appear. Use only if OreAppear is set to 'yes' Yes/No